Navigating On-Farm Food Safety Programs
Video: S.D. Specialty Producers hosted a webinar focused on on-farm food safety including FSMA and GAP. Teresa Wiemerslage, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Field Specialist, shared about produce safety programs, discussed best practices, the importance of food safety, and the basics of food safety plans. Wiemerslage is a field specialist with the Farm, Food […]
Food Safety Certification for Specialty Crops
Video: An overview of FSA’s FSCSC program, and a summary of FSMA & GAP Food Safety programs with Gail Gullickson & Danita Gary, USDA Farm Service Agency & Rhoda Burrows, SDSU Extension.
Food Safety Considerations for Farm Food Safety Considerations for Wholesale Production
Video: Rhoda Burrows, SDSU Extension discusses FSMA & GAPs programs, how farm food safety plans fit in, and resources for education & implementation. Presented at South Dakota regional aggregation meetups, Jan-Feb, 2023 with SDSPA.
Food Safety for Fruit and Vegetables
Publication: Purdue Agriculture- Food Safety for Fruit and Vegetables
Food Safety in Blueberry Production
Publication: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty-Agri-Food-Safety-in-Blueberry-Production
Food Safety Planning Guide- Examples from Ohio Certified Organic Farms
Publication: Ohio Ecological Food & Farm Association (OEFFA) food safety planning guide 2017
Ensuring Food Safety in the Vineyard: Table Grapes
Publication: North Central Regional Center FSMA- Ensuring food safety in the vineyard table grapes.
Fundamentals of On-Farm Food Safety
Publication: Carolina Farm Stewardship Association- 2019 Food Safety Manual