Passive Solar Greenhouses
Video: Learn about Passive Solar Greenhouses in South Dakota with this series of videos with Shannon Mutschelknaus, Wayward Springs Acres, Aurora, SD. Hosted by the SDSU Extension Master Gardener Program & S.D. Specialty Producers Association. Recorded: Feb. 2021.
DriftWatch: Specialty Crop Site Registry
Video: DriftWatch® Specialty Crop Site and BeeCheck® Apiary Registry are an on-line sensitive site registry programs for South Dakota available through FieldWatch®. This national registry is a voluntary communication tool that enables crop producers, beekeepers, and pesticide applicators to work together to protect specialty crops and apiaries through use of mapping programs. Featuring Katie Hengelfelt, S.D. […]
Equipment and Tools for Small-Scale Intensive Crop Production
Publication: ATTRA: National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service This publication focuses on equipment and tools for intensive crop production on a small-scale commercial farm. It details equipment and hand tools for soil preparation, planting, and weed management.The use of appropriate equipment and tools, both in terms of size and practicality, can increase production efficiency and profits […]
Steel In The Field, A Farmer’s Guide to Weed Management Tools
Publication: Sustainable Agriculture Network & Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SARE) A publication of the Sustainable Agriculture Network – Steel In The Field, A farmer’s guide to weed management tools.