Navigating On-Farm Food Safety Programs

Video: S.D. Specialty Producers hosted a webinar focused on on-farm food safety including FSMA and GAP. Teresa Wiemerslage, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Field Specialist, shared about produce safety programs, discussed best practices, the importance of food safety, and the basics of food safety plans. Wiemerslage is a field specialist with the Farm, Food […]

Season Availability Chart

Publication: S.D. Specialty Producers Association. This chart provides details on when specific vegetables can be expected for harvest in South Dakota.

IPM for Peppers & Tomatoes (Episode 3)

Podcast: An in-depth look at IPM for tomatoes and peppers. Kristine Lang, South Dakota State University discusses cover crops, high tunnel production, and specific pests and issues affecting producers in South Dakota. Resource Link:

IPM for Cucurbits (Episode 2)

Podcast: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for curcubits with special guest Marissa Schuh of the University Of Minnesota Extension. Resource Link:

Raising Root Crops in South Dakota, (Episode 13)

Podcast: On this episode, Dirk Oudman of Blue Sky Vegetable Co., Worthing, SD, and Darin Waldner of Waldner Farms, Webster, SD, share their process to assure a healthy harvest of roots crops, such as potatoes, carrots and radishes. Resource Link:

Growing Lettuce in South Dakota (Episode 9)

Podcast: Learn from two South Dakota producers who provide their fellow residents with a summer salad necessity- lettuce. Kent Wilsey of Elk Creek Foods and Peggy Martin of Cedar Creek Gardens will share how they produce lettuce on a large scale, while also giving ideas and tips that apply to producers of any scale. Resource […]

Farming Lean with Paper Pots

Publication: Growing for Market article- PaperPot Transplanter – Farming lean with paper pots. The paper pot system is a simple and efficient way to seed and trans-plant crops using paper chains that unravel through a non-motorized transplanting tool designed for one person to pull from a comfortable, upright position.

Packaging Requirements for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Publication: NCState Extension – Packing Requirements for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. This factsheet describes some of the many types of packaging, including their functions, uses, and limitations. Also included is a listing, by commodity, of the common produce containers standard to the industry.

Wholesale Packing Resource Guide

Publication: -Wholesale Packing Resource Guide. This guide is written for people who want to learn about selling to supermarkets, produce distributors, restaurants and institutions. This guide explains wholesale packing requirements and is a tool to help farmers decide if it makes sense to enter the wholesale market.

Wholesale Success

Publication: – Wholesale Success A farmer’s guide to selling post Harvest handling and packing produce.