Dakota Fresh Food Hub with SDSPA (Episode 8)

Podcast: Residents & producers near Sioux Falls, SD have a great opportunity to buy & sell local produce through the Dakota Fresh Food Hub. In our fourth aggregation-focused podcast, we explore how this hub is set up, and what makes it beneficial for producers wanting to aggregate, and how simple it is for individual and […]

The Good Acre Food Hub with SDSPA (Episode 7)

Podcast: Located near Minneapolis & St. Paul, The Good Acre Food Hub serves producers and consumers in their region. Going beyond simply connecting farmers with wholesale market needs, The Good Acre is also all about educating and supporting their producers, training school kitchen staff, and helping individuals in their region to enjoy food that was […]

Iowa Food Hub with SDSPA (Episode 6)

Podcast: In our second podcast of the season on Aggregation, we are learning about how Iowa uses food hubs to help connect producers with schools. Teresa Wiemerslage, of Iowa State University Extension, shares her experience with helping to set up food hubs in Iowa, and her work helping schools develop plans for implementing local foods […]

Aronia Aggregation with SDSPA (Episode 5)

Podcast: Our first interview is with Jeff Stewart, a SDSPA member and co-owner of National Aronia Growers. In this podcast, you will learn more about the aronia berry, and an aggregation system that he and other aronia growers have developed to be able to market their product. Resource Link: https://sdspecialtyproducers.org/2022/02/01/podcast-aronia-aggregation/

Starting Seed for Cut Flowers (Episode 11)

Podcast: On this episode, we’ll focus on how cut flower growers are starting their seeds. Kristine Lang, SDSU Assistant Professor & Extension Consumer Horticulture Specialist and Tanya Flegel, owner of Flegel Flower Farm, will share their advice and tips. Resource Link: https://sdspecialtyproducers.org/2023/03/07/podcast-starting-seed-cut-flowers/

Getting Started with Cut Flowers (Episode 10)

Podcast: In this podcast Connie Johnson of Freedom Acres SD in Brandt and Christy Heckathorn of Fleurish Flower Farm in Elk Point share how they got started with cut flowers, and provide ideas for others looking to start. Resource Link: https://sdspecialtyproducers.org/2023/02/23/podcast-getting-started-with-cut-flowers/