Aggregation Business Model

Publication: S.D. Specialty Producers Association The purpose of this model is to provide insight and resources for creating a regional aggregation system. It also offers prompts and important considerations when working to implement regional aggregation. The contents are based on SDSPA’s projects and data collection. Published: Sept. 2024

Local Food Recipes

Publication: S.D. Specialty Producers Association. The recipes on our site were all featured at special events S.D. Specialty Producers has participated in over the years. From farmers market events, farm-to-table meals, conferences, Value-added Ag Day at the State Fair and more, you are sure to find something that will be the perfect dish for your in-season […]

Season Availability Chart

Publication: S.D. Specialty Producers Association. This chart provides details on when specific vegetables can be expected for harvest in South Dakota.

Aggregation Resource Guide

Publication: S.D. Specialty Producers Association Aggregation can build a healthy local food system by allowing producers to pool their time, knowledge, and products to provide a larger and more consistent supply for consumers.  SDSPA’s resource guide is designed to help specialty crop producers who are exploring, or getting started in, food aggregation.  We hope that […]

South Dakota Farmers Market Resource Guide

Publication: S.D. Specialty Producers Association SDSPA’s online resource guide includes information for farmers markets on market structure and organization, including bylaws, market rules, policies & procedures. It also provides informational links for regulations and best practices for specific products.

Farming Lean with Paper Pots

Publication: Growing for Market article- PaperPot Transplanter – Farming lean with paper pots. The paper pot system is a simple and efficient way to seed and trans-plant crops using paper chains that unravel through a non-motorized transplanting tool designed for one person to pull from a comfortable, upright position.

Food Hubs: A Producer Guide

Publication: – Food Hubs: A Producer Guide. This publication is designed for producers who have an interest in working with food hubs. It provides information on food hubs, followed by an overview of considerations and production-oriented topics important in working with a food hub

How to Sell Produce to Distributors

Publication: NCState Extension – How to Sell Produce to Distributors. In this publication, we provide guidance to farmers and producers who are considering selling to distributors. This information will be useful to owners of small and medium-sized farms who have not previously sold their products to a distributor.

Packaging Requirements for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Publication: NCState Extension – Packing Requirements for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. This factsheet describes some of the many types of packaging, including their functions, uses, and limitations. Also included is a listing, by commodity, of the common produce containers standard to the industry.

Wholesale Packing Resource Guide

Publication: -Wholesale Packing Resource Guide. This guide is written for people who want to learn about selling to supermarkets, produce distributors, restaurants and institutions. This guide explains wholesale packing requirements and is a tool to help farmers decide if it makes sense to enter the wholesale market.